مدى إقبال الشباب على القراءة بمحافظات جنوب الصعید

Reading is considered one of the most important means of gaining knowledge and obtaining information: The researcher discussed in this study the importance of reading for young people in the southern governorates of Upper Egypt from the age of 30-18 years, according to the educational level as well as according to the profession and social status as well as according to the place of residence in terms of rural and urban as well as some other variables such as the profession The educational level and marital status also dealt with the most important topics of reading and came on top of political issues and religion and also addressed the most important reading materials for young people and the sources of youth access to reading materials and favorite reading places for young people and the most important reading times As well as the average number of hours of reading among young people and the study ended with many important findings and recommendations