Biotechnical methods for increasing productivity and blood biochemical parameters of broiler chickens of the Ross 508 cross

Relevance. The article discusses the possibilities of using amino acids (glycine, methionine, glutamic acid) and rosehip flour, passed through a laser beam in a mounted (spatial) modulator, as biocorrectors. Air ionization was carried out during the subsequent LLLT. Among the factors that determine the way out of the current situations at the regional level, it is necessary to note the biotechnical method of influencing the organism of broilers of the Ross 508 cross of the Scottish company (Ross Breeders Ltd New bridge Scotland). Their use improved the state of carbohydrate, protein, fat, amino acid and vitamin metabolism, caused functional activation of the digestive system in it, along with an increase in enzyme, immune and hormonal systems, it made it possible to more fully realize the level of meat productivity, improve some biochemical blood parameters.Results. Biotechnical methods (AI, LILI, rosehip flour) of influence on the organism of broiler chickens make it possible to economically use compound feed, stimulate growth and development, and increase their live weight from one week of age. In connection with the use of biotechnical methods on the body of the bird, some biochemical parameters of the blood have improved.