Phase transition of social learning collectives and the echo chamber

We study a simple model for social learning agents in a restless multiarmed bandit. There are N agents, and the bandit has M good arms that change to bad with the probability qc/N. If the agents do not know a good arm, they look for it by a random search (with the success probability qI) or copy the information of other agents' good arms (with the success probability qO) with probabilities 1p or p, respectively. The distribution of the agents in M good arms obeys the Yule distribution with the power-law exponent 1+γ in the limit N,M, and γ=1+(1p)qIpqO. The system shows a phase transition at pc=qIqI+qo. For p<pc(>pc), the variance of N1 per agent is finite (diverges as N2γ with N). There is a threshold value Ns for the system size that scales as lnNs1/(γ1). The expected value of the number of the agents with a good arm N1 increases with p for N>Ns. For p>pc and N<Ns, all agents tend to share only one good arm. If the shared arm changes to be bad, it takes a long time for the agents to find another good one. E(N1) decreases to zero as p1, which is referred to as the “echo chamber.”