在中共十九届四中全会通过的一份决定中指出中国将坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,实行最严格的生态环境保护制度,建立资源高效利用制度,这一决定看出我国对环境治理的决心和愿望。而环境治理究其根本离不开经济的作用,经济的发展与自然环境的变化也是息息相关,在这里,我们选取经济迅速发展的上海作为研究对象,并基于环境库兹涅茨曲线模型(EKC)对上海市1995~2017年的相关数据进行处理和分析,来验证上海的经济与环境污染之间是否符合库兹涅茨曲线假说,从而提出有效的结论和建议。 In a decision adopted at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it was pointed out that China will adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, implement the strictest ecological environment protection system, and establish a system of efficient utilization of resources. This decision shows China’s determination and desire for environmental governance. The environmental governance cannot be separated from the role of economy, and the development of economy is closely related to the change of natural environment. Here, we select Shanghai, which has a rapid economic de-velopment, as the research object, and process and analyze the relevant data of Shanghai from 1995 to 2017 based on the Environmental Kuznets curve model (EKC), to verify whether there is a relationship between economy and environmental pollution in Shanghai according to the Kuznets curve hypothesis. The paper puts forward effective conclusions and suggestions.

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