Produção de embriões in vitro com sêmen sexado de touros nelore

The objective was to analyze the effect of the type of semen, conventional and sexed, on the in vitro production of embryos. A total of 1,285 oocytes and 1,155 oocytes with sexed semen were matured and fertilized with conventional semen, obtaining 1,167 (90.55%) and 1,051 (90.68%) zygotes in fertilization with conventional and sexed semen, respectively (P=0.8411). In in vitro culture, embryo cleavage was evaluated in 769 (67.42%) of zygotes from conventional semen and 540 (55.12%) from zygotes from sexed semen (P=0.8411). There was no statistical difference in both analyzed variables. On day 7, the number of viable embryos produced was evaluated, being 428 (53.55%) conventional embryos and 138 (30.64%) viable embryos from sexed semen (P=0.0001). There was a significant difference, therefore, it obtained better embryonic conversion with conventional semen in relation to sexed semen of Nelore bulls.