The article presents selected concepts, models and theories of safety known from research and applications in various areas of technology and suitable for use in the field of transport. In particular, attention was paid to cognitively promising in the field of transport safety, and relatively little used research concepts here: Normal Accident Theory (NAT) Ch.Perrow, "Swiss cheese model" /SCh-M/ by J. Reason, concepts of "safe space of action" by J. Rasmussen and R. Amalberti, the concept of High Reliability Organizations /HRO/, or even interpretations of the transport system as a complex system (CS). The main aim of the article was to present some important general safety concepts and show that they can be used to model safety in the field of transport. The article shows that the so-called Geysen's thesis allows for the development of justified safety analogies between transport systems and such systems of technology that have greater scientific and engineering achievements in the field of safety.