Including the Size of Regions in Image Segmentation by Region-Based Graph

Applying a fast over-segmentation algorithm to image and working on a region-based graph (instead of the pixel-based graph) is an efficient approach to reduce the computational complexity of graph-based image segmentation methods. Nevertheless, some undesirable effects may arise if the conventional cost functions, such as Ncut, AverageCut, and MinCut, are employed for partitioning the region-based graph. This is because these cost functions are generally tailored to pixel-based graphs. In order to resolve this problem, we first introduce a new class of cost functions (containing Ncut and AverageCut) for graph partitioning whose corresponding suboptimal solution can be efficiently computed by solving a generalized eigenvalue problem. Then, among these cost functions, we propose one that considers the size of regions in the partitioning procedure. By simulation, the performance of the proposed cost function is quantitatively compared with that of the Ncut and AverageCut.

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