The Species Composition and Associated Flora and Fauna of the Mangrove Forest in Badian, Cebu Island, Philippines

The mangal community in Malhiao, Badian, Cebu was assessed in terms of physicochemical properties, detailed listing of its mangrove-associated flora and fauna and indices of diversity. A Transect Line Plot (TLP) method was employed to obtain data on mangrove community structure. Assessment revealed that there were 12 true mangrove species belonging to 6 families (H=1.78), where R. stylosa was the densest species (51.75%) and had the highest frequency value (30.48%) while N. fruticans was the most dominant (39.13%). Of all species, R. stylosa had the highest importance value (116.13%). Mangrove-associated fauna in Malhiao include 3 species of birds where Egretta is migratory, 4 species of fishes, 4 species of sponges, a species of cnidarian, 9 species of echinoderms, 3 species of insects, 2 species of spiders, 6 species of mollusks, 4 species of crustaceans and a species of mangrove skink. Mangrove-associated flora overlapped with mangroves in the seaward zone and include 5 seagrass species and 3 macroalgal species. Mangroves in Malhiao are not declining, and there is a high regeneration potential. There is evidence of illegal hunting and frequent gleaning of intertidal mollusks which is a growing threat to biodiversity. Keywords - Marine Ecosystem, mangrove community, mangroveassociated fauna, Badian, Cebu