Anomalous Origin of the Superior Thyroid Artery from the Internal Carotid Artery

Anatomical anomalies in the human body are common, and their description helps physicians and surgeons during treatment. This article presents the discovery of an abnormal arterial branch originating from the internal carotid artery (ICA). Typically, this artery does not give off branches until it passes through the carotid canal, but during a cadaveric dissection of a 58-year-old female, the superior thyroid artery (STA) was found to be originating from the ICA. Some common variations of the origin of the STA are the common carotid and at the bifurcation of the Common carotid, but rarely, has it been seen origination from the ICA. No known health implication of this variation has been reported, although surgeries can become difficult since the artery is used as an anatomical landmark.