Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Tema Sistem Tata Surya Pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN Gedongombo 6 Kabupaten Tuban

The primary school learning process in implementing the 2013 curriculum is carried out in an integrated manner with the theme of linking between subjects so that it is expected to provide meaningful learning experiences for students. Teachers determine student success in learning so that superior human resources are created through the educational process. The module is a printed teaching material that teachers can use to present learning material. Therefore it is necessary to develop a learning module. The purpose of this development research was to determine the effectiveness of the module with the theme of the solar system, the sub-theme of the change in the appearance of celestial bodies in SDN Gedongombo 6, Kecamatan Semanding, Kabupaten Tuban in fourth grade students. The research procedure uses the Four-D model according to Thiagarajan. The data collection instrument for this module development research consists of an assessment instrument for the subject matter expert learning module, an assessment instrument for the linguist learning module, an assessment instrument for the learning module for media experts, and a student questionnaire. From the final results of module development that have been validated by experts, it is obtained data that the module in the content criteria has an SPV value of 85.94%. The assessment of the accuracy of the narrative language was 90.83% after a revision was made according to the suggested validation results. Evidence of the final test data using the module shows the achievement of KKM 75 by 21 students out of 25 students.