Multiple zeta star values have become a central concept in number theory with a wide variety of applications. In this article, we propose a generalization, which we will refer to as recurrent sums, where the reciprocals are replaced by arbitrary sequences. We introduce a toolbox of formulas for the manipulation of such sums. We begin by developing variation formulas that allow the variation of a recurrent sum of order m to be expressed in terms of lower order recurrent sums. We then proceed to derive theorems (which we will call inversion formulas) which show how to interchange the order of summation in a multitude of ways. Later, we introduce a set of new partition identities in order to then prove a reduction theorem which permits the expression of a recurrent sum in terms of a combination of non-recurrent sums. Finally, we use these theorems to derive new results for multiple zeta star values and recurrent sums of powers.

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