The special theory of relativity (STR) is operationally expanded onto orthogonal accelerations: normal and binormal that complement the instantaneous tangential speed and thus can be structurally extended into operationally complete 4D spacetime without defying the STR. Thus the former classic Lorentz factor, which defines proper time differential can be expanded onto within a trihedron moving in the Frenet frame (T,N,B). Since the tangential speed which was formerly assumed as being always constant, expands onto effective normal and binormal speeds ensuing from the normal and binormal accelerations, the expanded formula conforms to the former Lorentz factor. The obvious though previously overlooked fact that in order to change an initial speed one must apply accelerations (or decelerations, which are reverse accelerations), made the Einstein’s STR incomplete for it did not apply to nongravitational selfpropelled motion. Like a toy car lacking accelerator pedal, the STR could drive nowhere. Yet some scientists were teaching for over 115 years that the incomplete STR is just fine by pretending that gravity should take care of the absent accelerator. But gravity could not drive cars along even surface of earth. Gravity could only pull the car down along with the physics that peddled the nonsense while suppressing attempts at its rectification. The expanded formula neither defies the STR nor the general theory of relativity (GTR) which is just radial theory of gravitation. In fact, the expanded formula complements the STR and thus it supplements the GTR too. The famous Hafele-Keating experiments virtually confirmed the validity of the expanded formula proposed here.