Study on nephroprotective effect of Ebselen in cisplatin induced renal damage in rats

Background: Renal dysfunction arises as a result of exposure to medicines, industrial or environmental chemicals. Cisplatin is a major antineoplastic drug used for the treatment of solid tumors. Its chief dose limiting side effect is nephrotoxicity; 20% of patients receiving high-dose cisplatin have severe renal dysfunction. Ebselen a promising antioxidant, was used to explore the nephroprotective effect.Methods: The rats were divided into five groups; each group consisting of 6 animals. The experimental design included one control group and four experimental groups. The study was carried out for a period of 7 wks. The test drug Ebselen in group 4 and 5 and the reference standard drug Amifostine in group 3 was administered once a week intraperitoneally for 5 weeks. Nephrotoxicity was induced by cisplatin (5mg/kg IP) in the 6th week, following this the drug Amifostine in group 3 and Ebselen in group 4 and 5 will be continued twice a day for 5 consecutive days post induction. Urine samples were collected and sent for determination of urine creatinine and albumin.Results: The Urine creatinine level and albumin level estimation in group II show significant renal damage as compared to control group. The statistical reduction in urine creatinine and urine albumin level in Ebselen treated group I (10mg/kg), Ebselen group V (20mg/kg) as compared to Cisplatin group II show a potential reduction in renal damage. Ebselen treated group V showed a reduction in urine creatinine and urine albumin as same as in group III.Conclusions: This study brings to a close that Ebselen lessens Cisplatin induced renal damage.