随着海洋经济的不断发展,对海洋科技创新水平的需求不断提高,海洋科技创新能力决定一个国家的海洋经济发展水平。山东省作为我国海洋经济和渔业大省,至今尚未成为经济和渔业强省的重要原因,显然有科学规划滞后,科技发展带动不足以及只顾眼前、不求长远的发展意识制约和影响。本文根据山东半岛海洋渔业的发展现状及存在的问题,以新旧动能转换背景下的山东半岛蓝色经济区为研究对象,通过建立山东半岛蓝色经济区的海洋渔业科研创新能力和经济发展的指标体系,对2006~2019年协调度进行测算实证分析。研究结果表明,海洋科技和海洋区域发展是一个整体,一方面加大海洋科研力度可以促进蓝色经济增长、促进产业结构优化升级、增强海洋经济的核心竞争力;另一方面,海洋经济发展可以为海洋科研创新提供资源,包括人力、财力和物力,也可以相应的加大市场需求,最终两者相互促进协调发展。 With the continuous development of Marine economy, the demand for innovation level of Marine science and technology is constantly increasing, and the innovation ability of Marine science and technology determines the development level of a country’s Marine economy. Shandong Province, as a major province of Marine economy and fishery in China, has not yet become a strong province of Marine economy and fishery. Obviously, it is restricted and influenced by the lag of scientific planning, insufficient drive of scientific and technological development, and the developing consciousness of focusing only on the short term and not seeking long-term development. Based on the development status and existing problems of Marine fishery in Shandong Peninsula, this paper takes the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone as the research object under the background of the transformation of new and old kinetic energy. By establishing the index system of Marine fishery scientific research and innovation ability and economic development in Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone, the empirical analysis of the coordination degree from 2006 to 2019 is carried out. The research results show that ocean science and technology are integrated with ocean regional development, On the one hand, strengthening Marine scientific research can promote the growth of blue economy, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, and enhance the core competitiveness of Marine economy. On the other hand, the development of Marine economy can provide resources for Marine scientific research and innovation, including human, financial and material resources, and can also increase the market demand accordingly. Finally, the two can promote the coordinated development of each other.

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