Indonesian people oftenly consume online news that present figures on survey result, not only political news but also other news, for instance, news headline stated 63 percent of the people in average agreed to cabinet reshuffle. It was not stated 37 percent of the people in average did not agree to a cabinet reshuffle which has the same meaning. An attractive online news frame will potentially get clicks from its audience. In theories, news framing effects in general has a cognitive effect on the audience, including the frame of the survey results. However, a different view says that new media presence, especially the internet and Web 2.0 technology, has changed the fundamental of mass communication, which makes the minimum effect of new media framing and difficulty to measure because the emergence of preference-based effects as a nature of the online media environment. This interesting research tries to examine the effects of framing in the realm of psychology, which is still quite rarely done in framing effects studies by using experimental quantitative methods that test individual heuristic assessments. Framing with the results of the survey turned out to have an effect on the individual heuristic who read it. The study will prove that the framing effects remain exist even in new media platforms. The findings presented in this article are expected to contribute to the development of framing theories and media effects.