Perfil epidemiológico de uma coorte de gestantes sintomáticas com suspeita de Zika no estado de São Paulo, 2015-2018

Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of pregnant with suspected Zika virus infection reported in the Public Health Emergency Surveillance System and the spectrum of abnormalities and/or pregnancy outcomes, Brazil. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological study of a cohort of symptomatic pregnant suspected of Zika virus infection and the outcome of their pregnancy, living in the state of São Paulo and notified in the period from 2015 to 2018. Results: Of the 2,329 studied pregnant women, 29.3% were confirmed. The most part were single (44.8%), race white (74.2%), with high school (53.6%) and were concentrated in the northeastern region of the state. The proportion of newborns with malformations in these pregnant was 4,0%. Conclusion: The results found characterize the transmission of the Zika virus in the state of São Paulo and may subsidize public health actions in places with a higher risk of disease transmission.