Aim. To determine the features of microcirculatory dysfunction and in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease, depending on the presence of concomitant diffuse liver disease. Materials and methods. We performed a prospective study on the basis of MC «Doctor Vera», as well as in the diagnostic department of Medbud Clinic between 2009 and 2019. A total of 187 patients were examined. Patients' blood flow was assessed by transthoracic echocardiography, wavelet analysis laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Results. In the analysis of indicators of microcirculatory dysfunction in patients with ischemic heart disease, statistically significant deterioration of wavelet analysis laser Doppler flowmetry was determined. In patients with ischemic heart disease and left ventricular ejection fraction < 40 %, indicators of wavelet analysis LDF were significantly lower. We also found that the severity of diffuse liver disease significantly disrupts peripheral blood flow (Р < 0.05). Conclusions. The results of intracardiac hemodynamics, microcirculatory dysfunction were first presented. In patients with isolated ischemic heart disease as the left ventricular EF decreased, a significant decrease in capillary blood flow was observed as a result of deterioration of central hemodynamics, development of atherosclerotic vascular changes, as well as an increase in their vascular tone. We have proved that in the presence of DLD in patients with ischemic heart disease and EF < 40 %, the degree of increase in peripheral resistance and impaired venous outflow were more pronounced due to the depletion of vasoactive substances production, impaired their excretion by hepatocytes due to irreversible morpho-functional changes in liver at the stage of decompensation of HF, severe fibrosis, the formation of regeneration nodes. In patients with LC, the most severe disorders of peripheral blood flow were determined according to the data of the digital capillaroscopy, which testifies to the influence of the degree of liver damage on the state of microcirculation.