Bangladesh is a great market for the flower trade. It produces a lot of different types of flowers as well as imports from neighboring countries which cost 3 million BDT currencies every year. The Jashore district of plants viz. Gladiolus, Gerbera, Rose, Tuberose and Marigold. The infected part of the plant samples was collected from five separate flower gardens. The precisely prepared infected sample was cultured on Potato Dextrose Aga media at 28ºC in an incubator for 48 hours and sub-cultured several times of each sample of distinct features to get a fresh culture of fungal pathogens. The isolates were identified based on their morphological features of the colony and observation of mycelia structure. The infection by fungal pathogens is considered a great barrier to flower cultivation. Therefore, the present study was attempted to the isolation infecting fungal pathogen from five different flowering crystal violet dyes to analyze the spore structure, the shape of the tips, conidial structure, and we identified three different types of fungus from five flowering plants Aspergillus niger identified from gerbera and rose, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (pinkish) from tuberose, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (whitish) from gladiolus and Alternaria alternate from marigold. This study has provided the primary alarm of fungal infection by following a less expensive technique. This study will be helpful to identify and management of phyto-pathogen for floriculture.