弧菌病是一种由弧菌引起的水产动物细菌性疾病,在我国海水养殖业中具有流行广,发病率高,死亡率高等特点。长期使用抗生素药物会导致细菌耐药性增强以及产生抗生素残留等问题。而中草药具有抗菌、副作用小、不易产生抗药性等优点。基于此,笔者对历年来关于中草药对弧菌的抗菌作用进行综述,旨在为弧菌病的防治提供科学的参考依据。 Vibriosis is a kind of bacterial disease of aquatic animals caused by Vibrio. It has the characteristics of widespread prevalence, high morbidity and extremely high mortality in mariculture industry in China. Long-term use of antibiotic drugs may increase bacterial resistance and antibiotic residues. Most of Chinese herbal medicine has good antibacterial ability with little side effect; meanwhile it’s not easy to develop drug resistance. Based on these above, the inhibitory effect of different kinds of Chinese herbal medicine on Vibrio was summarized in order to provide scientific reference for the prevention and treatment of Vibrio.