Structures of core eukaryotic protein complexes

Protein-protein interactions play critical roles in biology, but despite decades of effort, the structures of many eukaryotic protein complexes are unknown, and there are likely many interactions that have not yet been identified. Here, we take advantage of recent advances in proteome-wide amino acid coevolution analysis and deep-learning-based structure modeling to systematically identify and build accurate models of core eukaryotic protein complexes, as represented within the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome. We use a combination of RoseTTAFold and AlphaFold to screen through paired multiple sequence alignments for 8.3 million pairs of S. cerevisiae proteins and build models for strongly predicted protein assemblies with two to five components. Comparison to existing interaction and structural data suggests that these predictions are likely to be quite accurate. We provide structure models spanning almost all key processes in Eukaryotic cells for 104 protein assemblies which have not been previously identified, and 608 which have not been structurally characterized.One-sentence summary: We take advantage of recent advances in proteome-wide amino acid coevolution analysis and deep-learning-based structure modeling to systematically identify and build accurate models of core eukaryotic protein complexes.
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