A Comment on “COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Physician-led Intervention”

Dear Editor, we would like to share ideas on the publication “Addressing Persistent Vaccine Hesitancy in a Military Community Through a Physician-Led Intervention.” Despite this, Glendening et al. found that people who trusted doctors the most were more likely to be vaccine hesitant, and they came to the conclusion that this underlines the significance of the information that trusted doctors should give their patients and may point to future strategies for addressing vaccine hesitancy. Keep in mind, however, that a person’s decision to get vaccinated against coronavirus disese 2019 (COVID-19) may be impacted by a number of circumstances, including the location and scope of the epidemic. A larger investigation, as Glendening et al. suggested, could be beneficial. Nonetheless, a new longitudinal study model should be employed to investigate the influence of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccine–linked variables.