男性患儿,维吾尔族,出生时发现三条腿畸形,在当地医院明确诊断:先天性畸形(臀部寄生胎)、单侧腹股沟型隐睾、动脉导管未闭、先天性肛门畸形、肠未特指先天畸形、右中腿先天性髌骨缺如、中腿马蹄足内翻足、右腿足四肢偏短(海豹肢畸形)、腹壁疝。2018年3月8日来我院就诊。3月19日进行了手术:全麻下行中间腿,半骨盆切除,中间下肢足移植术,隐睾下降固定术,腹壁疝修补术,手术历时10小时,术中出血约120 ml。术后患者恢复好,于2018年4月10日康复出院。考虑患者为低龄、少数民族、多发先天畸形,围手术期护理具有鲜明的特殊性和低龄患儿围手术期的共同点,具有较强的临床和社会意义。 Male children, Uygur, was found three leg deformities at birth, which is confirmed in the local hospital: congenital malformation (hip parasite), unilateral inguinal cryptorchidism, patent ductus arteriosus, congenital anal malformation, congenital malformation of specified intestine, right middle leg congenital tibia absence, middle leg horseshoe foot varus, short right leg, feet and limbs (sea seal limb deformity), abdominal wall sputum. They came to our hospital on March 8, 2018. On March 19, the kid undergo surgeries: general anesthesia descended middle leg, half pelvic resection, middle lower limb foot transplantation, cryptorchidism reduction, abdominal wall hernia repair; operation lasted 10 hours, and intraoperative bleeding is about 120 ml. The patient recovered well after surgery and was discharged from hospital on April 10, 2018. Considering patients with low age, ethnic minorities, and multiple congenital malformations, perioperative care has distinctive features and commonalities in the perioperative period of younger children, with strong clinical and social significance.