On adequacy of parameters of strip cross-section profile. Part 1. Predictive interval

Increasing the level of automation of metallurgical units and the development of industrial information systems increases the number of p ters of production and technological processes available for analysis. The consequence is an increase in the complexity and duration of preliminary data preparation for subsequent mathematical and statistical analysis. It is therefore important to develop new and improve existing techniques for the automated process of primary data production. When developing methods of primary data preparation, it should be taken into account that accuracy and adequacy of results of subsequent mathematical analysis are determined by accuracy and adequacy of used initial data. The cross-sectional profile parameters of hot-rolled strips, such as wedge, convexity, thickness variation, displacement, wedge in near-rim zones, local thickenings and thinning of the strip are calculated parameters, i.e. secondary to actual strip thickness measurements over the length and width of hot-rolled strips. As technology is improved in cold rolling shops, the number of grade groups is increasing, for which technological modes of units and processing routes are selected. They are based on actual values of parameters of cross-section profile in order to further reduce the probability of formation of inappropriate products and increased metal consumption. The presented article provides an overview of conventional calculation methods for parameters of cross-section profile of hot-rolled strip and gives an assessment of accuracy and adequacy of application of the parameters averaged along strip length to the whole strip.

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