Pengaruh Pemberian Modisco Iii dengan Penambahan Kedelai terhadap Kadar Albumin pada Tikus Kekurangan Energi Protein

PEM is a condition where a person experiences a lack of long-term energy and protein intake. PEM is characterized by hypoalbuminemia and indigestion. Efforts to treat hypoalbuminemia sufferers by giving PMT in the form of soy formula. Before being given, it is necessary to test PER soybean modisco to see the quality of protein as well as digestibility of soy protein containing 40% vegetable protein and albumin of 2.25%. Some studies explain that soy can increase serum albumin levels in PEM infants with hypoalbuminemia. This research aims to determine the effect of modisco III supplementation with soybean on albumin content in PEM rats. This study used a randomized pretest posttest control group design. The research sample of 24 male Wistar rats. Data analysis using univariate analysis (description) and paired T-test. The average PER value of the four rations was relatively low PER