With the title "Analysis of the Development of Sharia Tourism Potential in Improving the Economy of the Community (Study on Religious Tourism in the Tomb of Gus Miek Kediri Regency and Mbah Wasil Kota Kediri)" written by Achmad Mabrurin and guided by Ms. Dr. Hj. Nur Aini Latifah, SE., MM and Dr. Iffatin Nur, M.Ag. The research in this thesis dilator is behind the improvement of the economy of the community, in the Qur'an there are many signs to carry out tourism activities. Tourism is one sector that can bring in individual, community income and income for the State. The focus and research questions in this study are (1) How to Develop the Potential of Religious Tourism in Increasing the Economy of the Community at Gus Miek's Tomb in Kab. Kediri and Mbah Wasil Kota Kediri, (2) How is the Impact of the Development of the Potential of Religious Tourism in Increasing the Economy of the Community in the Tomb of Gus Miek Kab. Kediri and Mbah Wasil Kota Kediri (3) What are the obstacles and solutions to the Development of the Potential of Religious Tourism in Increasing the Economy of the Community in the Tomb of Gus Miek Kab. Kediri and Mbah Wasil Kota Kediri. The method in this study used a qualitative approach using field research. The location of the research was the Tomb of Gus Miek Tambak, Ngadi, Mojo, Kab. Kediri and Mbah Wasil Tomb Setono Gedong, Kec. City of Kediri, City of Kediri. The data source of this study consisted of informants, events and locations. Procedure for collecting data using the method of interview (interview), observation, and documentation. Data analysis using qualitative data analysis. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) In the development of religious tourism, many parties feel benefited, from managers and caretakers feel supported because all development processes can be done and can be resolved, from residents or local traders who feel benefited because of the development done to make visitors often stop by in stalls, and from visitors feel benefited by the development of this tourism potential because they can feel more comfortable and calm. (2) The impact of the development of tourism potential in improving the economy of the community is fairly positive, all parties are affected by the development of the potential of religious tourism and feel benefited by the development. (3) Constraints and solutions to the development of religious tourism, the number of managers and developers is very minimal, the surrounding community's insight into the potential of religious tourism is very lacking. Solution, Conduct small meetings with the community to discuss the magnitude of the potential of religious tourism in the mbah Wasil tomb if it can be managed optimally.