Objective: Discuss the application effect of Ideological and Political Theory Education integrated into the third level of core socialist values in Community Nursing. Methods: Ideological and Political Theory Education was incorporated into the course of Community Nursing among junior college students of grade 2020. It includes the construction of ideological and political case resource database, improving teachers’ ideological and political teaching ability, enriching teaching methods and reforming assessment methods. Students’ feedback was investigated after this course. Results: The 753 students held positive attitudes towards teachers’ professional quality, teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching process, teaching strategies, and teaching effects. Conclusion: The Ideological and Political Theory Education focuses on the combination of professional knowledge and skills with the training of socialist core values. The ideological and political work runs through the whole process of education and teaching, which improves the students’ professional attitude towards Community Nursing, and sets up a good personal values for the students.