Classification of emotions from the recognition of facial expressions applied to the prevention of secondary Alexithymia: an analysis of the state of the art

Alexithymia is a condition that partially or completely deprives you of the ability to identify and describe emotions, and to show affective connotations in the actions of an individual. This problem has been taken to different research projects that seek to study its characteristics, forms of prevention, and implications, and that try to determine a measurement for the experience of an individual with this construct as well as the responses they provide to certain stimuli. Other studies that were reviewed aimed to find a connection between the responses of subjects diagnosed with alexithymia when facing a dynamic of emotional facial expressions to recognize and their assigned grade based on the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), a metric frequently used to evaluate the presence or absence of alexithymia in an individual. In this work, a review of the different articles that study this connection, as well as articles that describe the state of the art of the implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms applied to the treatment or prevention of secondary alexithymia is presented.