Diversity of Aquatic and Terrestrial Molluscs from Simeulue Island, with Notes on Their Distribution and Some New Records

Faunistic study on the malacofauna of Simeulue Island was carried out in 2017 after 104 years from the last collection in 1913. 3 locations with 13 stations were observed. 20 families and 50 species of aquatic and terrestrial molluscs were identified. The occurrences of 4 local endemic species were still found and 19 new distributional records were added to the previous list. However, 5 previously listed species were not found in the present study. Through the present study, the accumulative number of malacofauna from Simeulue Island will be around 54 species. 19 species were reported for the first time, including 3 introduced species and 1 new records for Indonesia. 4 local endemic species were still found there after 104 years gone by.