This study was conducted to analyze the students’ mistake in writing recount text. The subject of this research was the eighth-grade students of Mts Al-Amin Ngetos, Nganjuk which was consisted of 38 students. The researcher needs to analyze the students’ mistakes in writing recount text because writing is one of the four crucial skills to master English. In learning English at school students also learn how to write a text and organize their idea into a proper text. In getting the data, the researcher applied class evaluation research using purposive sampling technique which the sample was taken from 5 students’ recount text of the eight grade students of MTs Al-Amin Ngetos, Nganjuk. The researcher analyzed the students’ recount text based on the writing aspect which should be considered by the students in writing a recount text they were content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. The results showed that there were some mistakes made by the students, mostly their mistakes were inappropriate used of grammar and mechanics. So, the researcher provided suggestions for the teacher to help the students to know the writing aspects and learn how to apply them in writing text.