Liver has become a prime source for Campylobacter outbreaks and products are needed to allow processors a more efficient way of controlling foodborne pathogens. Campylobacter reductions in livers treated with a low pH processing aid (CMS PoultrypHresh), with and without a surfactant (PoultrypHresh Plus) were studied. Chicken livers (n=13/treatment group) were individually inoculated with a C. coli marker strain (107) and each dipped into sterile cups containing 100 mL of water, PoultrypHresh or PoultrypHresh Plus for 15 s, removed and allowed 5 s to drain. Each liver was placed into 50 mL buffered peptone water and hand shaken for 60 s; controls (n=10) same procedure, no treatment. Rinsates were serially diluted and plated onto Campy Cefex agar with 200 ppm gentamicin. Plates were incubated for 48 h at 42°C microaerobically, colonies counted and log transformed. Procedures were replicated 3 times. Significant reductions in treated compared to untreated for PoultrypHresh and PoultrypHresh Plus was 98.1% and 99.4%, respectively and with no change in appearance. Treating with this product may allow processors to meet rising performance standards on poultry livers.