机械制图作为大一工科学生的必修课,是思政教育极为重要的阵地。思政教育在机械制图课程教学在中具有一定的必要性和可行性,探讨教学过程中课程思政建设的具体实践,包括教师理念转化,教师的言传身教,教学内容中思政元素挖掘,学科竞赛和实践动手能力等方面,阐述在机械制图课程中,实现树德育人的教育理念。 Mechanical drawing, as a compulsory course for Engineering Freshmen, is an important position of ideological and political education. The ideological and political education in the mechanical drawing course has a certain necessity and feasibility. The specific practices of the ideological and political construction in the teaching process were probed, including the transformation of teachers’ ideas, teachers’ teaching by words and deeds, the excavation of Ideological and political elements in the teaching content, subject competition and practical ability, etc., expounding the realization of moral education in the course of mechanical drawing.