ExtractBohemian Kingdom – Habsburg Empire – First Czechoslovak Republic – Communist Legacy – Dealing with the Communist Past – Dissolution of Czechoslovakia – Hasty Constitution Drafting – Accession to the European Union – Popular Sovereignty – Influence of Foreign Legal Cultures – Constitutional Scholarship Czechia and its 1993 Constitution came into being as a direct consequence of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, but Czech constitutionalism has much deeper roots. Five factors have arguably influenced Czech constitutionalism more than anything else: the legacy of the First Czechoslovak Republic between the two world wars; communist rule for more than four decades; the subsequent need to deal with the communist past; the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and the politics of it; and accession to NATO and the EU and the general ‘catching up with the West’ attitude. Each of these five major factors has left a mark, each in its own way, on constitutional foundations...