Education is a conscious, planned effort to realize successful learning that aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become democratic citizens so that they are responsible. Therefore, it is necessary to have a learning method that supports the learning success of students in the classroom. Therefore, researchers are interested in using the snowball throwing learning method which is applied to students at SDN Kalangsari IV. The method used in this research is the Kemmis and Taggart class action research which was conducted for three cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action/observation, and reflection. The data collection technique used by observation applies three research cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action/observation, and reflection. After the implementation of the snowball throwing method in social studies learning in class III SDN Kalangsari IV. So the results showed that the percentage of classical completeness in the first cycle was 70% with an average value of 74, then in the second cycle it increased to 82.50% with an average value of 81.50 and in the third cycle increased to 90% with an average value. -average 84.50. And the skills of teachers in the first cycle obtained 45% with sufficient category, then in the second cycle increased to 72.50% in the active category and in the third cycle increased to 90% with the very active category. Student activity in the first cycle scored 47.50% in the moderate category, then in the second cycle increased to 70% in the active category and in the third cycle increased to 87.50% in the very active category. Thus, it can be concluded that the snowball throwing learning method is proven to be able to improve student learning outcomes in class III SDN Kalangsari IV in Social Science subjects.