The development of Micro Small Enterprises (SMEs) annually increasing. This is due to the high interest of the community, especially the SMEs who want to start a business. One of the problems faced is the limited capital owned. Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) is present as a solution to answer the capital problems of SMEs by offering microfinance through Micro Stalls (Warung Mikro). This study aims to find out how the implications of the marketing strategy are with the approach to the marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) of BSM micro stalls and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Based on the results of research conducted by the author, that the marketing strategy carried out has positive implications for the progress of the business of its customers and increases the financing portfolio of Micro Stalls, BSM KC, Kendal. The advantages of the products include Principles and agreements in accordance with the Shari'ah, Limit of financing in accordance with micro segments, The process of applying for financing is relatively easy and fast, minor installments and fixed to maturity, business training and assistance programs for MSEs, using an individual approach and ball pick up system and is located in a area that is relatively close to the micro segment business location. While the disadvantages of financing Micro Stalls, BSM KC, Kendal, among others; the lack of employees who master shari'ah transactions, inadequate facilities and promotions is still monotonous so it is less efficient. Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Financing, Micro Stalls Abstrak Perkembangan Usaha Kecil Mikro (UKM) setiap tahunnya terus mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tingginya minat masyarakat khususnya para pelaku UKM yang ingin memulai usaha. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapinya yaitu keterbatasan modal yang dimiliki. Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) hadir sebagai solusi untuk menjawab masalah permodalan pelaku UKM dengan menawarkan pembiayaan mikro melalui Warung Mikro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implikasi dari strategi pemasaran dengan pendekatan bauran pemasaran (produk, harga, tempat, dan promosi) warung mikro BSM dan menganalisis Keunggulan dan kelemahannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan penulis, bahwa strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan berimplikasi positif terhadap kemajuan usaha para nasabahnya dan meningkatkan portofolio pembiayaan warung Mikro BSM KC. Kendal. Adapun keunggulan produk yang dimiliki antara lain Berprinsip dan akad sesuai dengan Jurnal Iqtisad: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia – Vol. 6, No 1 (2019) p-ISSN: 2303-3223; e-ISSN: 2621-640X Strategi Pemasaran Pembiayaan.... 74 Akhmad Nurasikin syari’ah, Limit pembiayaan sesuai segemen mikro, Proses pengajuan pembiayaan relatif mudah dan cepat, angsuran ringan dan tetap hingga jatuh tempo, program pelatihan dan pendampingan usaha bagi UMK, menggunakan pendekatan perorangan dan sistem jemput bola dan terletak didaerah yang...