Certain sculptures from the Archaic period, found in the excavations by the French School at Athens on Delos, are still relatively unknown; this is the case for the works studied in this article, which all date to the end of the period in question. The pair of lions A 4103 and A 4104, found by Homolle in 1878 in the Artemision (see the appendix with a catalogue of the Archaic sculptures found on this occasion), belong to a series of wild animals depicted in a menacing stance, which is also particularly represented by two examples from the Athenian Acropolis, also discussed in the present article. Placed on tall bases, perhaps at the entrance to the sanctuary, the two lions from Delos emphasize the formidable power of Delian Apollo and his sister Artemis. The siren A 3995, a rare Archaic example in the round of this mythical monster, is probably associated with the cult of Artemis. Finally, it is certain that the pair of birds A 3122 and A 3123 (pigeons or doves) do not come from the Heraion, as previously thought, but rather from an area to the southeast of the Lake; they perhaps belong to the sanctuary GD 4 68, like the lioness A 4105.

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