Proses Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa Extrovert dan Introvert SMP Kelas VIII Berdasarkan Tahapan Wallas

AbstrakKemampuan berpikir kreatif penting bagi siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika dengan variasi cara. Mengenal kepribadian siswa juga berguna untuk memahami motivasi siswa. Tujuan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif ini mendeskripsikan proses berpikir kreatif siswa dengan tipe kepribadian extrovert dan introvert berdasarkan tahapan Wallas. Subjek penelitian yaitu 2 siswa introvert dan 2 siswa extrovert kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga berkemampuan matematika tinggi. Instrumen utama adalah peneliti. Instrumen bantu berupa soal tes, pedoman wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada tahap persiapan subjek extrovert lebih percaya diri bertanya kepada teman mengenai hal yang kurang dipahami, membaca soal dalam hati, sedangkan subjek extrovert selalu bertanya kepada peneliti dan membaca soal dengan bersuara. Pada tahap inkubasi subjek introvert tidak banyak melakukan aktifitas fisik hanya beristihat sejenak dengan merenung dan berdiam diri sedangkan subjek extrovert mununjukkan aktifitas fisik. Tahapan iluminasi subjek introvert dan exstrovert sama-sama mengembangkan ide dengan cara sebelumnya. Pada tahap verifikasi subjek introvert lebih teliti dibanding subjek extrovert namun sama-sama memiliki variasi cara. Secara umum siswa dengan tipe kepribadian extrovert dan introvert telah memenuhi seluruh tahap proses berpikir kreatif Wallas. Mathematical Creativity Thinking Process of Extrovert and Introvert Student at SMP Class VIII Based on Wallas Stages AbstractThe ability to think creatively is important for students in solving mathematical problems in various ways. Getting to know students' personalities is also useful for understanding student motivation. The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study describes the creative thinking process of students with extrovert and introverted personality types based on the stages of Wallas. The research subjects were 2 introverted students and 2 class VIII extroverted students of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga with high mathematical abilities. The main instrument is the researchers. Auxiliary instruments in the form of test questions, interview guidelines, and documentation. The results of the study show that at the preparation stage the extrovert subject is more confident in asking friends about things that are less understood, reading questions in the heart, while extrovert subjects always ask the researcher and read the questions out loud. At the incubation stage, introverted subjects do not do much physical activity, only take a moment to reflect and remain silent while the subject of extroverts shows physical activity. The stages of illumination of an introvert and extrovert subjects are both developing ideas in a previous way. In the verification phase, the introverted subject is more thorough than the extrovert subject but both have various ways. In general, students with extrovert and introvert personality types have fulfilled all stages of Wallas's creative thinking process.