自然灾害作为葡萄生产中重要的逆境胁迫之一,直接影响到葡萄的生长发育,轻者造成减产,重者导致死树毁园。近年来,葡萄自然灾害问题备受关注,其研究也取得了较大进展。笔者从各种葡萄自然灾害成因、危害结果以及绿色应对预防措施等方面进行了系统归纳和总结,同时还综述了一些能有效降低灾害危害的生产技术措施。 As one of the important stress in grape production, natural disasters directly affect the growth and development of grape. In recent years, grape natural disaster has attracted much attention, and its research has made great progress. The author summarizes the causes of grape natural disasters, the harm results and the green countermeasures, and summarizes some production technical measures that can effectively reduce the disaster hazards.