Anatomical Knowledge of Graduates of Integrated Medical Curriculum Schools: A Real Challenge to Health Care System (Review Article)

Background: There is no doubt that anatomy is a keystone in medical education. Its understanding is vital for each health care practitioner to perform safe medical practice. Anatomy is a solid knowledge requires imagination, and memorization then proceeds to applying its knowledge to different clinical situation. Traditionally, anatomy is taught by didactic lectures and practical cadaveric dissection. Aim of the work: This review ultimately aims to summarize the main findings of the effective curriculum and teaching strategies of the human anatomy as a basic science in integrated medical education. Methods: A narrative review of all the relevant papers discussing anatomical curricula in undergraduate medical education was conducted. Conclusion: The actual benefit of new curricular modifications on the preservation of anatomical knowledge and future surgical experiences is still doubtable. The change from the old-style regional program towards integrated, system-based and multimodal methods of education needs more researches to assess suitability, undergraduates’ ability to achieve learning outcomes.