A Method for Transforming Object-relational to Document-oriented Databases

Object-relational databases have emerged to improve relational ones by adding properties of object-oriented approach such as references, polymorphism, inheritance, etc. However, these extended relational databases have become a huge amount of data and the database management systems (DBMS) cannot handle them. Due to the emergence of NoSQL databases for ensuring the storage and the processing of large data scale, it is necessary to propose a method for transforming object-relational to NoSQL databases. This paper presents a new method for transforming the object-relational database to one of the popular NoSQL data stores so-called document-oriented database. The proposed method is based on a set of matching between the schemata of object-relational and document-oriented databases. The method is terminated by the generation of a set of JSON files which represent collections of semi-structured documents. These files can be imported and represented by BSON format that will be managed by document-oriented DBMS such as MongoDB.

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