Факторна модель відбору дівчат 9 років в секцію кіокушинкай карате

The purpose of the study was to determine the factor model of morphofunctional and motor fitness of 9-year-old girls at the stage of initial selection for the Kyokushin Karate sports section. Materials and methods. The study involved 34 girls 9 years old. The children and their parents were informed about all the features of the study and agreed to participate in the experiment. To solve the tasks were used research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. Results. The most informative for a comprehensive assessment of the prospects of children during the selection for training in the sports section of karate are the results of tests: from a sitting position (0,848). Tests that characterize anthropometric indicators were quite informative: “Chest circumference” (0.746), “Body weight” (0.807), “Body length” (0.739) and morphofunctional indicators “Vital capacity of the lungs” (0.747), “Dynamometry of the right hand” (0,804), “Dynamometry of the left hand” (0,754). Conclusions. Factor analysis made it possible to identify the factors with the highest contribution to the total variance of indicators. Based on the results of factor analysis, the optimal selection program is constructed, the priority place in which is occupied by anthropometric, morphofunctional indicators and processes of development of motor abilities.