The effect of total quality management on the financial performance by moderating organizational culture

This study aims to learn the effect of the Total Quality Management dimensions, Top Management Support, Customer Focus, Process Management, Employees Participation, Employees' Empowerment, and Continuous Improvement, on financial performance by moderating organizational culture. The study population includes nine transport companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange until the end of 2019. Alia Company and Royal Jordanian Airlines were excluded since its financial data formed extreme values when compared with the values of the rest of the companies. The study uses Multiple Linear Regression to test the hypotheses. The study found a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α < 0.05) for both top management support, customer focus, employees’ participation and empowerment, by moderating the organizational culture on financial performance measured by return on asset for the Jordanian transport companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. In light of the statistical results, the study presented several recommendations, the most important of which was to increase the top management interest in cultivating a profound organizational culture towards learning, development, mastering performance and improving the quality of its services to attract customers, and distinguish the organization from other organizations, in a way that reflects positively on developing its financial performance.