The alternative reality of plant mitochondrial DNA: One ring does not rule them all

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Plant mitochondrial genomes are usually assembled and displayed as circular maps based on the widely-held view across the broad community of life scientists that circular genome-sized molecules are the primary form of plant mitochondrial DNA, despite the understanding by plant mitochondrial researchers that this is an inaccurate and outdated concept. Many plant mitochondrial genomes have one or more pairs of large repeats that can act as sites for inter- or intramolecular recombination, leading to multiple alternative arrangements (isoforms). Most mitochondrial genomes have been assembled using methods unable to capture the complete spectrum of isoforms within a species, leading to an incomplete inference of their structure and recombinational activity. To document and investigate underlying reasons for structural diversity in plant mitochondrial DNA, we used long-read (PacBio) and short-read (Illumina) sequencing data to assemble and compare mitochondrial genomes of domesticated (Lactuca sativa) and wild (L. saligna and L. serriola) lettuce species. We characterized a comprehensive, complex set of isoforms within each species and compared genome structures between species. Physical analysis of L. sativa mtDNA molecules by fluorescence microscopy revealed a variety of linear, branched, and circular structures. The mitochondrial genomes for L. sativa and L. serriola were identical in sequence and arrangement and differed substantially from L. saligna, indicating that the mitochondrial genome structure did not change during domestication. From the isoforms in our data, we infer that recombination occurs at repeats of all sizes at variable frequencies. The differences in genome structure between L. saligna and the two other Lactuca species can be largely explained by rare recombination events that rearranged the structure. Our data demonstrate that representations of plant mitochondrial genomes as simple, circular molecules are not accurate descriptions of their true nature and that in reality plant mitochondrial DNA is a complex, dynamic mixture of forms. Plant mitochondrial genomes are commonly depicted in research articles and textbooks as circular molecules that are the size of the genome. Although research on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) over the past few decades has revealed that genome-sized circles are exceedingly rare and that alternative forms of mtDNA are more common, many biologists still perceive circular maps as representing one or more physical chromosomes. This misconception can lead to biases in how mitochondrial genomes are assembled and misinterpretation of their evolutionary relationships, synteny, and histories. In this study, we present an assembly methodology that uses short- and long-read sequencing data to determine the mitochondrial genome structures of three lettuce species. We show that these mitochondrial genomes are fluid and dynamic, with multiple sequence arrangements of the genome coexisting within individuals of the same species. Differences in sequence arrangements between species can be explained by rare recombination events. Inspection of physical molecules of mtDNA reveals primarily non-circular forms. We demonstrate that plant mitochondrial genomes are a complex mixture of physical forms and sequence arrangements. Our data suggest that plant mitochondrial genomes should be presented as multiple sequence units showing their variable and dynamic connections, rather than as circles.
Funding Information
  • University of California Davis
  • National Science Foundation (MCB-1413152)