Extent and barriers of Collaboration among Administrators in Teachers’ Professional Development Program

The study aims to determine the extent of collaboration among school administrators in the Teachers’ Professional Development Program in terms of sense of belonging; networks, feelings of trust and safety; reciprocity; participation; citizen power/proactivity; values;, norms, outlook in life; and diversity. It also aims to determine any significant difference between the extent of collaboration of the school administrators when grouped according to their profile and to determine the barriers to collaboration in the Teachers’ Professional Development Program. The study utilized descriptive qualitative design and quota sampling wherein 60 administrators from 3 schools of district 5 of Quezon City participated. For public secondary schools In-Service Training got the highest percentage (100%) in terms of Teachers’ Professional Development Program. For the factors on the extent of collaboration among school administrators, only citizen power/proactivity got a weighted mean of 2.96 which is below 3.50 and interpreted as “High Extent” while all other factors got a weighted mean higher than 3.50 and interpreted as “Very High Extent”. There was also no significant difference between the extent of collaboration of school administrators when they are grouped according to their length of service (p-value=0.248); educational attainment (p-value=0.088); and position/rank (p-value=0.265). Meanwhile, the first three in rank in barriers to collaboration in the Teachers’ Professional Development Program are dissemination of information and proper coordination, resources/finances and time management, and lastly, commitment and decision making.