Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming dominant problem-solving techniques in many areas of research and industry, not least because of the recent successes of deep learning (DL). However, the equation AI=ML=DL, as recently suggested in the news, blogs, and media, falls too short. These fields share the same fundamental hypotheses: computation is a useful way to model intelligent behavior in machines. What kind of computation and how to program it? This is not the right question. Computation neither rules out search, logical, and probabilistic techniques, nor (deep) (un)supervised and reinforcement learning methods, among others, as computational models do include all of them. They complement each other, and the next breakthrough lies not only in pushing each of them but also in combining them. Big Data is no fad. The world is growing at an exponential rate and so is the size of the data collected across the globe. Data is becoming more meaningful and contextually relevant, breaking new grounds for machine learning (ML), in particular for deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence (AI), moving them out of research labs into production (Jordan and Mitchell, 2015). The problem has shifted from collecting massive amounts of data to understanding it—turning it into knowledge, conclusions, and actions. Multiple research disciplines, from cognitive sciences to biology, finance, physics, and social sciences, as well as many companies believe that data-driven and “intelligent” solutions are necessary to solve many of their key problems. High-throughput genomic and proteomic experiments can be used to enable personalized medicine. Large data sets of search queries can be used to improve information retrieval. Historical climate data can be used to understand global warming and to better predict weather. Large amounts of sensor readings and hyperspectral images of plants can be used to identify drought conditions and to gain insights into when and how stress impacts plant growth and development and in turn how to counterattack the problem of world hunger. Game data can turn pixels into actions within video games, while observational data can help enable robots to understand complex and unstructured environments and to learn manipulation skills. However, is AI, ML, and DL really synonymous, as recently suggested in the news, blogs, and media? For example, when AlphaGo (Silver et al., 2016) defeated South Korean Master Lee Se-dol in the board game Go in 2016, the terms AI, ML, and DL were used by the media to describe how AlphaGo won. In addition to this, even Gartner's list (Panetta, 2017) of top 10 Strategic Trends for 2018 places (narrow) AI at the very top, specifying it as “consisting of highly scoped machine-learning solutions that target a specific task.” Artificial intelligence and ML are very much related. According to McCarthy (2007), one of the founders of the field, AI is “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.” This is fairly generic and includes multiple tasks such as abstractly reasoning and generalizing about the world, solving puzzles, planning how to achieve goals, moving around in the world, recognizing objects and sounds, speaking, translating, performing social or business transactions, creative work (e.g., creating art or poetry), and controlling robots. Moreover, the behavior of a machine is not just the outcome of the program, it is also affected by its “body” and the enviroment it is physically embedded in. To keep it simple, however, if you can write a very clever program that has, say, human-like behavior, it can be AI. But unless it automatically learns from data, it is not ML: ML is the science that is “concerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically improve with experience,” (Mitchell, 1997). So, AI and ML are both about constructing intelligent computer programs, and DL, being an instance of ML, is no exception. Deep learning (LeCun et al., 2015; Goodfellow et al., 2016), which has achieved remarkable gains in many domains spanning from object recognition, speech recognition, and control, can be viewed as constructing computer programs, namely programming layers of abstraction in a differentiable way using reusable structures such as convolution, pooling, auto encoders, variational inference networks, and so on. In other words, we replace the complexity of writing algorithms, that cover every eventuality, with the complexity of finding the right general outline of the algorithms—in the form of, for example, a deep neural network—and processing data. By virtue of the generality of neural networks—they are general function approximators—training them is data hungry and typically requires large labeled training sets. While benchmark training sets for object recognition, store hundreds or thousands of examples per class label, for many AI applications, creating labeled training data is the most time-consuming and expensive part of DL. Learning to play video games may require hundreds of hours of training experience and/or very expensive computing power. In contrast, writing an AI algorithm that covers every eventuality of a task to solve, say, reasoning about data and knowledge to label data automatically (Ratner et al., 2016; Roth, 2017) and, in turn, make, for example, DL less data-hungry–is a lot of manual work, but we know what the algorithm does by design and that it can study and that it can more easily understand the complexity of the problem it solves. When a machine has to interact with a human, this seems to be especially valuable. This illustrates that ML and AI...

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