Secure File Storage & Sharing on Cloud Using Cryptography

In today’s world, simply having the capacity to transfer a file from one location to another isn’t enough. Businesses today face multiple security threats and a highly competitive environment. So they need a secure file transfer system to protect and reliably transfer their sensitive, business-critical data. Secure file transfer is a method of data sharing via a secure, reliable delivery method. Also, we use this between a client and a server. Cryptography is a technique that we use for securing information and communication in the presence of third parties. We use this technique to ensure that only those persons to whom the information is intended can read this. By using cryptography, we can prevent unauthorized users from accessing the information which is shared privately. In this paper, the plan proposed is to overcome the issues regarding the data that are being stored by the users on the cloud should be encrypted rather than storing them in a plain form such that the data will be protected from the attackers who are trying to read, delete or manipulate the data. Our application is focused on securely authenticating the user, before storing and sharing files, To create an application that lets a user encrypt and decrypt any type of file without any changes in the size during encryption & decryption, store every user data in the encrypted form on the cloud, to provide a communication medium between users via the chat application, to give direct access to the file for CRUD operation only to the owner.