马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,提出了异化劳动理论,揭示了资本主义社会中劳动异化的状态。随着科技与社会的发展,一种新的劳动形态——数字劳动蓬勃兴起。数字劳动在推动劳动者解放方面具有一定的突破性,但是数字劳动异化并未消失。从数字劳动异化的表征来看,其异化深刻地影响着社会大众。 In Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Marx put forward the theory of alienated labor, which revealed the state of alienated labor in capitalist society. With the development of science and technology and society, a new form of labor-digital labor is flourishing. Digital labor has a certain breakthrough in promoting the liberation of workers, but digital labor alienation has not disappeared. From the representation of digital labor alienation, its alienation has a profound impact on the public.

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