党的十八大以来,中国社会治理创新实践不断涌现。本文基于2012~2018年66个“全国创新社会治理典型案例”,通过多案例文本分析法对社会治理创新实践的分布、主体、动力、内容、方式和绩效进行梳理,得到以下结论:社区治理创新在分布上呈现出“东部强,中西部弱”的格局;在主体上,地市级和区县级的党政机构在创新社会治理过程中发挥了重要作用;在动力上,上级推动和问题驱动是催生社会治理创新的主要动力,其中上级推动是外在因素,问题驱动是内生因素;在内容上主要集中在网络治理、文化治理、依法治理、居民自治、公益治理和依法治理上;在方式上呈现出服务创新、技术创新和组织创新三种形态;在绩效上显示出政府部门、服务对象、参与主体和示范对象等多方主体的共赢。 Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, innovative practices of social governance have emerged. Based on 66 “typical cases of national innovative social governance” from 2012 to 2018, this paper combs the distribution, main body, motivation, content, mode and performance of social governance innovation practice through multi case text analysis, and draws the following conclusions: the distribution of community governance innovation shows a pattern of “strong in the east, weak in the middle and west”; in the main body, the party and government organs at Prefecture and county levels are involved; structure plays an important role in the process of innovation of social governance; in terms of motivation, superior promotion and problem driving are the main driving forces for social governance innovation, among which superior promotion is external factor and problem driving is endogenous factor; in content, it mainly focuses on network governance, cultural governance, legal governance, residents’ autonomy, public welfare governance and governance according to law; and the performance shows the win-win situation of government departments, service objects, participants and demonstration objects.

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