[PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY AND MORPHOLOGICAL SIMILARITY OF JOB’S TEARS (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) IN LIMA PULUH KOTA REGENCY]. Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L) Has been long known as alternatif food crop and spread over the West Sumatera Province. This study aims to determine the similarity of job’s tears based on morphological characters. This research was conducted in eight sub districts in Lima Puluh Kota regency. The accessions were observed on the basis of purposive sampling method. Data were collected for 29 morphological characteristics and subjected to the similarity analysis and cluster analysis using NtSys Ver 2.02i. From the analysis of similarity, job’s tears has a similarity coefficient ranging from 0.07 to 0.63 and shows a distant level of similarity to job’s tears even though they are located close to each other, so that the level of similarity of 74 accessions varies and spreads irregularly.