Sequential measurement of the neurosensory retina in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a model of microvascular injury in hypertensive emergency

Optical coherence tomography of the eye suggests the retina thins in normal pregnancy. Our objectives were to confirm and extend these observations to women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). Maternal demographics, clinical/laboratory findings and measurements of macular thickness were repeatedly collected at gestational ages P < 0.001 versus non-pregnant dimensions in both; P = 0.983 HDP versus controls). This thinning response continued to delivery in all controls and in 7 women with HDP superimposed on chronic hypertension. Macular thinning was lost after 20 weeks gestation in the other 20 women with HDP. MAP at loss of macular thinning in women without prior hypertension (n = 12) was identical to MAP at enrollment. However, mean MAP subsequently rose 19 mmHg (15, 22) leading to de novo HDP in all 12 women. Loss of thinning leading to a rise in MAP was also observed in 8 of 15 women with HDP superimposed on chronic hypertension. We conclude the macula thins in most women in early pregnancy. Those who lose this early macular thinning response often develop blood pressure elevations leading to HDP.