Medical Images Segmentation Based on Unsupervised Algorithms: A Review

Medical image segmentation plays an essential role in computer-aided diagnostic systems in various applications. Therefore, researchers are attracted to apply new algorithms for medical image processing because it is a massive investment in developing medical imaging methods such as dermatoscopy, X-rays, microscopy, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), So segmentation of medical images is considered one of the most important medical imaging processes because it extracts the field of interest from the Return on investment (ROI) through an automatic or semi-automatic process. The medical image is divided into regions based on the specific descriptions, such as tissue/organ division in medical applications for border detection, tumor detection/segmentation, and comprehensive and accurate detection. Several methods of segmentation have been proposed in the literature, but their efficacy is difficult to compare. To better address, this issue, a variety of measurement standards have been suggested to decide the consistency of the segmentation outcome. Unsupervised ranking criteria use some of the statistics in the hash score based on the original picture. The key aim of this paper is to study some literature on unsupervised algorithms (K-mean, K-medoids) and to compare the working efficiency of unsupervised algorithms with different types of medical images.